Vote Bleu (Not Political)
Hi everyone, For those of you who don't know me (that's everyone because I don't know anybody) I'm going to let you in on a little secret. last year after 46 years in the hospitality business, I left the industry and now I am a top ride share driver in Charlotte, NC USA. I recently installed in my car a tablet provided by PlayOctopus an advertising partner of T-mobile. The tablet allows passengers to play games, check the weather and sports scores while they are going to their destination.
Allow me to digress for a second and tell you that if you get in an Uber or Lyft (and I know you do) and your driver doesn't have one of these cool little gizmos, tell them about it. PlayOctopus pays drivers just to have the tablets in their cars and they can make an extra $100 a month. You can tell your driver to go to and sign up and tell them to use the code RBE2465. Evey little bit helps!
Now back to the purpose of this post. PlayOctopus is currently sponsoring a contest called Top Pet Competition "Best in Poll" for the dog days of summer. I, of course, entered my dog Bleu and I want you to go and vote for him! The link is: VOTE BLEU and the photo I entered is:
The grand prize for this contest is $1,000 which will buy a lot of dog food. So if you have a minute (a minute is all it takes) go to VOTE BLEU and vote Bleu! Then starting next week, if you happen to get in an Uber or Lyft (and I know you will) look for the top 4 entries on the tablet and again, vote Bleu! VOTE BLEU
P.S Bleu is a goldendoodle 11 months old and is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had. He has a great disposition and has never met a stranger. He's a shitty guard dog but a great pet!
Thank you in advance!
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