June 15

The late Harry Nilsson was born this day in 1941


Today in 1996, Ella Fitzgerald died in Beverly Hills, California at age 79


Matt “Guitar” Murphy who worked with Howlin’ Wolf and Junior Parker and is best known from The Blues Brothers died on this day in 2018 at age 88


Waylon Jennings was born on this day in Littlefield, Texas in 1933


Today in 2016, Jimmy Page took the stand where he is accused of stealing part of the song "Taurus" for the intro to "Stairway to Heaven"


Today in 2014, American Top 40 host Casey Kasem died at age 82


Muff Winwood, Steve’s older brother and member of The Spencer Davis Group was born today in 1943


The debut album from Bad Company was released today in 1974 on Swansong Records



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